Questions, complaints or compliments? Bring ‘em on. [Especially the compliments].
We’re dyed-in-the-wool know-it-alls [or so we’ve been told], ready to field any questions about our products, shipping, returns, the meaning of life, and why chocolate ice cream is always better than strawberry. There’s just no end to the ways you can get hold of us. Email, text, message us on Facebook, tie a note to a carrier pigeon, send up smoke signals. It’s all good.
We’re all yours, bright eyed and bushy tailed, from 10:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. Monday to Friday. We do answer emails on weekends, but our response time may be slower.
- Message Us On Facebook: facebook.com/vintagecowboyboots
- Email: info@oldrebelboots.com
- Text us at 612-750-1310. The phone is not monitored for incoming calls, so please – text only.